8 Ergebnisse für: seti.org
Humans to Near Earth Asteroids - Paul Abell (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks archive: http://seti.org/talks Recently the current U.S. presidential administration directed NASA to include near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) as desti...
Mission to Apophis - David Morrison (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks Archive: http://seti.org/talks Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are interesting to both planetary scientists and those who are concerned about protecti...
Sentinel B612 Telescope - Finding Asteroids Before They Find Us - Ed Lu (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks archive: http://seti.org/talks B612 website: http://b612foundation.org We know how to deflect asteroids, but our technology is useless if we do no...
SETI from Deep Space - Claudio Maccone (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks Archive: http://seti.org/talks Dr. Maccone's new technical book about SETI, KLT and space missions to the Sun gravity focus will be presented in t...
"Hippokamp", der kleinste Neptunmond - science.ORF.at
Der bisher kleinste bekannte Mond des Planeten Neptun besteht möglicherweise aus den Trümmern eines großen Kometeneinschlags. Das berichten nun die Entdecker des Minimonds.
SETI Institute - YouTube
If you like the SETI Talks Site, please help us out by completing this survey: http://abrown.seti.org/survey The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore,...
Neue Prinzipien für den Fall eines Alien-Signals
Prag/ Tschechien - Auf dem 39. Symposium zur Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz Ende September in Prag hat sich die SETI Permanent Study Group ...
Zwergplanet Makemake hat keine Atmosphäre | ESO Deutschland