36 Ergebnisse für: shi_
Shijing 詩經 or Maoshi 毛詩 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
Shijing 詩經, the Book of Songs, also known as Maoshi 毛詩, is one of the Confucian Classics. It is a collection of three different types of songs originating in the Shang and the early and middle Zhou periods.
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The 25 Official Dynastic Histories 二十五史 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The 25 Official Dynastic Histories (Ershiwu shi 二十五史), called orthodox histories (zhengshi 正史), are a subcategory of the category of historiography in traditional Chinese bibliography.
Category:Kyoto – Wikimedia Commons
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| Berlinale | Archiv | Jahresarchive | 2019 | Programm - Öndög
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin - Offizielle Website
Huangjinshi 黃金史 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
Huangjinshi 黃金史 is a history of the early years of the Mongol empire.
Chinese Literature - Meishu congshu 美術叢書 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Meishu congshu 美術叢書 is a collectanea compiled by the Republican scholar Deng Shi 鄧實 in 1936.
Books on Art 藝術類 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
Books on Art (yishu lei 藝術類) is a subcategory in traditional Chinese bibliographies and part of the category of Masters and Philosophers (zibu 子部).
Names of persons and titles of rulers (www.chinaknowledge.de)
An explanation to the terms ming 名, zi 字, xing 姓, shi 氏, hui 諱, hao 號, yihao 謚號, miaohao 廟號 and nianhao 年號.