36 Ergebnisse für: swaraj
Pater Tom Uzhunnalil ist frei
Pater Tom Uzhunnalil ist frei. Das teilte Indiens Außenministerin Sushma Swaraj mit. Der Salesianerpater war 18 Monate lang in den Händen seiner Entführer.
Gandhi: Selected Political Writings - Mahatma Gandhi, Dennis Dalton - Google Books
Based on the complete edition of his works, this new volume presents Gandhi’s most important political writings arranged around the two central themes of his political teachings: satyagraha (the power of non-violence) and swaraj (freedom). Dennis Dalton’s…
Category:Relations of India and Israel – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Relations of Austria and India – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Relations of India and Iran – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Relations of India and Japan – Wikimedia Commons
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Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen für eine basisdemokratische, ökologische und soziale Politik mit gewaltfreien Mitteln | Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb
In einem Beitrag zum Studientag “Soziale Verteidigung” des “Bundes für Soziale Verteidigung (BSV)” am 15./16. April 2005 in Hannover geht Theodor Ebert ausführlich auf das Konzept der Sozialen Verteidigung ein. Zunächst stellt er dessen Herkunft dar. Dann…
Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action - Dennis Dalton - Google Books
Dennis Dalton's classic account of Gandhi's political and intellectual development focuses on the leader's two signal triumphs: the civil disobedience movement (or salt satyagraha) of 1930 and the Calcutta fast of 1947. Dalton clearly demonstrates how…
Gandhi: The Man, His People, and the Empire - Rajmohan Gandhi - Google Books
This monumental biography of one of the most intriguing figures of the twentieth century, written by his grandson, is the first to give a complete and balanced account of Mahatma Gandhi's remarkable life, the development of his beliefs and his political…
Category:Frank Bainimarama – Wikimedia Commons
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