493 Ergebnisse für: synonymy
A Catalogue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China - F.R. Bernard, Ying-Ya Cai, Brian Morton - Google Books
This is a comprehensive catalogue of the living marine Bivalvia of China. Over 1,140 species are arranged in systematic order reflecting the phylogenetic relationships of the supraspecific taxa, together with almost 3,500 binomina which fall into synonymy.…
Systematic Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium - Clifford Frondel - Google Books
Each mineral species is described according to its synonymy, composition, crystallography and crystal habit, physical properties, optical properties, synthesis, identification, natural formation, and occurrence. The descriptive mineralogy is followed by…
Pyrus pyrifolia – Wikimedia Commons
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Handbook on How to Predict Earthquakes als eBook Download von Ahmad Jamaludin, The Divine Right of Episcopacy, and the Necessity of an Episcopal Commission for Preaching God´s Word, and for the Valid Ministration of the Chris..., The Predictive Validity…
"hagen 1867" - Google-Suche
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Mammal Species of the World - Browse: rex
Mammal Species of the World: Information on rex
Word and Object - Willard van Orman Quine - Google Books
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Hochschulschriftenserver - Enumeration of the Fungi of Ceylon : part II., containing the remainder of the Hymenomycetes, with the remaining established tribes of Fungi
A skeletal world revision of the genus is presented to accompany a family account for Flora Malesiana. 82 species are recognised, of which 74 occur in the Malesiana region. Six species are desctibed as new, one species is raised from infraspecific status,…
A Monograph of the Order Pholadacea: And Other Papers - George Washington Tryon - Google Books
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OGND - results/titledata
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