11 Ergebnisse für: tesia
Teseino, il - TESIA - Tesin - Tesino - Teske, Johann Gottfried - Teske, Samuel - Teskeregi-Bachi - Teskereh - Teskereln - Teskeretis - Tesmarus, Johann - Tesmarus, Paul - TESMOPHORIA - Tesne - Tesnow, Jacob - Tesoro, Emanuel - Tespe, Stadt - Blättern im Zedler-Lexikon Bd. 42, Seite 608
...Teseino, il - TESIA - Tesin - Tesino - Teske, Johann Gottfried - Teske, Samuel - Teskeregi-Bachi - Teskereh - Teskereln - Teskeretis - Tesmarus, Johann - Tesmarus, Paul - TESMOPHORIA - Tesne - Tesnow, Jacob - Tesoro, Emanuel - Tespe, Stadt - Blättern im…
Iškovojes antraji universiados auksa D. Rapšys sukure Lietuvos sporto istorija - DELFI Sportas
DELFI - Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto studentas Danas Rapšys Taipejuje (Taivane) vykstanciose pasaulinese studentu sporto žaidynese iškovojo antraji aukso medali ir tapo pirmuoju lietuviu Lietuvis sporto istorijoje, vienoje universiadoje iškovojusiu…
„Citadele Kauno maratonas“: inirtinga kova iki paskutiniu metru ir nauji rekordai - DELFI Sportas
DELFI - „Andrius ar Andrejus. Kuris bus pirmas? Likus kilometrui bega šalia. Kas bus šiu metu maratono nugaletojas?!“, - griaudejo per mikrofonus sekmadieni Kaune vykusioje didžiausiose vasaros begimo šventeje.
Dr. Thomas Lemke: "Biopolitics: Current Issues and Future Challenges" - YouTube
Keynotes from the Biopolitics, Society, and Performance conference. October 2012, Trinity College Dublin Dr. Thomas Lemke: "Biopolitics: Current Issues and F...
Introducing Nora Sternfeld, Professor of Practice, Aalto University - YouTube
Introducing Aalto University Professor of Practice Nora Sternfeld from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art.
Summer Wikicamp 2015 - YouTube
WikiCamp is a youth camp organized by Wikimedia Armenia. WikiCamp main goal is the education, deepening wiki editing and translation skills of participants t...
Debi Gliori at the Edinburgh International Book Festival Part 2 - YouTube
In a sold out event Debi Gliori takes us on an enchanting journey, wandering through the forests and meeting the animal characters in her acclaimed books. Gl...
Debi Gliori talks about her book The Trouble With Dragons - YouTube
http://www.bloomsbury.com/thetroublewithdragons Debi Gliori talks about The Trouble with Dragons, a cautionary tale for readers young and old about the use a...
Senga Nengudi: R.S.V.P. | Radical Presence | YBCA - YouTube
See more about the exhibition, "Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art" at http://ybca.org/radical-presence Maren Hassinger activates Senga ...
Amerikieciu kudikysteje idukrinta sportininke olimpiadoje nori atstovauti Lietuvai - DELFI Sportas
DELFI - Nenustebkite, jei viena diena per televizoriu išvysite trispalve, švieciancia ties Genevieve Angerame pavarde. Lietuviams ji gali prisistatyti ir Akvile – toks vardas irašytas lietuviškame pase, išduotame vos prieš menesi, taip ja vadino ir prieš…