7 Ergebnisse für: thisbook

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    Offeringa distinct emphasis on the behavior of matter from the molecular viewpoint, thisbook is designed for a one-semester undergraduate course on physical chemistryfor engineers and materials scientists. After a brief introductory review of thebasic…

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    Thisbook,entitledLowThermal Expansion Glass Ceramics,isoneofaseries reporting on research and development activities on products and processes conducted by the Schott AG. Thescienti?callyfoundeddevelopmentofnewproductsandtechnicalp- cesses has…

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    Boron has all the best tunes. That may well be the first impression of the Group 13 elements. The chemical literature fosters the impression not only in the primary journals, but also in asteady outflowofbooks focussing more or less closely on boron and…

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    Boron has all the best tunes. That may well be the first impression of the Group 13 elements. The chemical literature fosters the impression not only in the primary journals, but also in asteady outflowofbooks focussing more or less closely on boron and…

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    Boron has all the best tunes. That may well be the first impression of the Group 13 elements. The chemical literature fosters the impression not only in the primary journals, but also in asteady outflowofbooks focussing more or less closely on boron and…

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    Boron has all the best tunes. That may well be the first impression of the Group 13 elements. The chemical literature fosters the impression not only in the primary journals, but also in asteady outflowofbooks focussing more or less closely on boron and…

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