9 Ergebnisse für: ubicomp
Sozionik: Lebensqualität durch soziale Hightech? | Telepolis
Sozionik wider der Technikangst: Agieren in sozialtechnischen Systemen
Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing - Adam Greenfield - Google Books
Ubiquitous computing--almost imperceptible, but everywhere around us--is rapidly becoming a reality. How will it change us? how can we shape its emergence? Smart buildings, smart furniture, smart clothing... even smart bathtubs. networked street signs and…
Simon Nestler - Google Scholar Citations
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ISNM - International School of New Media at the University of Luebeck, Germany
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Google, Facebook etc.: Unter Kontrolle - taz.de
Die Steuerung unserer Existenz durch die Giganten des Internets ist die logische Konsequenz eines Prozesses, der mit der Aufklärung begann. Doch wie können wir ihr entkommen?
Augmented Social Cognition Research Blog from PARC: A Quick Guide to WikiDashboard: Providing Social Transparency to Wikipedia
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Augmented Social Cognition Research Blog from PARC: Mapping the Contents in Wikipedia
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Designing for Interaction: Creating Innovative Applications and Devices - Dan Saffer - Google Books
Building products and services that people interact with is the big challenge of the 21st century. Dan Saffer has done an amazing job synthesizing the chaos into an understandable, ordered reference that is a bookshelf must-have for anyone thinking of…
Augmented Social Cognition Research Blog from PARC: WikiDashboard: Providing social transparency to Wikipedia
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