606 Ergebnisse für: unmanned
2012: das Jahr, in dem die dicken Drohnen kommen | heise online
Weltweit sind Bestrebungen im Gang, unbemannte Luftfahrsysteme (UAS, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, oder UAV, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles) in die zivile Luftfahrt einzubinden. In Deutschland soll dafür das Luftverkehrsgesetz geändert werden.
Galerie: Unbemannte Flugmaschinen für Kampf & Ãberwachung
Galerie zu Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS), Micro und Mini Aerial Vehicles (MAV), Unmanned (Combat) Aerial Vehicles (UAV/UCAV)
Roboter: Wirkfunktion vom Militär gewünscht | heise online
Auf dem Forum Unmanned Vehicles III in Bonn-Bad Godesberg wurde deutlich: Auf Dauer werden die Militärroboter nicht unbewaffnet bleiben.
Unmanned aerial vehicle – Wikimedia Commons
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Macropinna microstoma: A deep-sea fish with a transparent head and tubular eyes - YouTube
MBARI researchers Bruce Robison and Kim Reisenbichler used video taken by unmanned, undersea robots called remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to study barrele...
DEADLY ACCURATE Patria Nemo Navy 120mm Mortar System unveiled in Finland - YouTube
navy naval mortar finland patria NEMO from NEw MOrtar, is a single 120 mm unmanned mortar turret currently being developed by Patria Weapons System Oy PWS in...
Category:Unmanned aerial vehicles – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
electronic library - Detection of Forward Flight Limitations of Unmanned Helicopters
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., eLib - DLR electronic library
nEUROn UCAV Project Rolling Down the Runway (updated) (defense acquisition, defence purchasing, military procurement)
Mock-Up: Paris A.S. 2005(click to view full) In November 2005, DID noted a Forecast International report on the future UAV market that forecast trouble for the proposed six-nation nEUROn Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) project. In the end, however,…
nEUROn UCAV Project Rolling Down the Runway (updated) (defense acquisition, defence purchasing, military procurement)
Mock-Up: Paris A.S. 2005(click to view full) In November 2005, DID noted a Forecast International report on the future UAV market that forecast trouble for the proposed six-nation nEUROn Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) project. In the end, however,…