6 Ergebnisse für: unwedded
Agni Parthene - Αγνή Παρθένε - O Pure Virgin - Pl. 1st - Valaam - YouTube
Chanted in Slavonic by Valaam Monastery (Αγνή Παρθένε) O Pure Virgin............ Rejoice thou Bride Unwedded A Hymn written by Saint Nektarios to the Mother ...
Byzantine Chant Albanian-Agni Parthene - YouTube
O Virgin Pure Plagal First Tone (Tone 5) Refrain: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride! O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and f...
Divna Ljubojević - Agni Partene - YouTube
Divna Ljubojevic - Agni Partene - kompletna Album - Melodi На Српском Чиста Дјево Владичице, непорочна Богородице, Радуј се, Невесто Неневесна! Мати Дјево Го...
Agni Parthene(Old Slavonic ) - YouTube
Agni Parthene..by St.Nektarios
O Virgin Pure-Orthodox Byantine Chant - YouTube
Agni Parthene (Αγνή Παρθένε) is a liturgical hymn composed by St. Nectarios of Aegina, drawn from the Theotokarion (Book of Hymns to the Mother of God). Some...
galli cantus - Agni Parthene - ein Hymnus an Maria in verschiedenen Sprachen
Agni Parthene; O Virgin Pure; Fecioara Maica Maria; Марие, Дево Чистая: ein byzantinischer Marienhymnus in vielen Sprachen: deutsch, kirchenslawisch, russisch, rumänisch, ...