13 Ergebnisse für: uscsb
Deepwater Horizon / BP - Top Kill Animation (v2) - YouTube
Animated footage of the "top kill" procedure which BP will perform at the Deepwater Horizon site in an effort to stop the leak. Find out more by visiting htt...
BIG Fireworks explosion at enschede netherlands - YouTube
The company SE Fireworks exploded in a terrible blast killing 24 people in the process see the detailed video with audio here
Construction progress at UAE's Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, 2014 - YouTube
Construction progress on UAE’s first Nuclear Power Plant at Barakah site, Western Region of Abu Dhabi, since 2012 (Copyright ©2014 ENEC)
STARDUST-NExT spots comet Tempel 1, Valentine Rendezvous Part 2 - YouTube
On January 15, 2006, the Stardust spacecraft completed one history-making mission and began another. Returning from a rendezvous with Comet Wild 2, the space...
Use a Billhook over a chainsaw - sustainable farming practices - YouTube
A short video about how to use a use a Billhook over a chainsaw to prune or lop branches of trees for sustainable farming practices. The was filmed at New En...
Pioneering Underground Mining - YouTube
Joy Mining Machinery releases a new version of its most popular video "Pioneering Underground Mining". You can request a free copy of this video by contactin...
London: 'Bus-sized fatberg' removed from the city sewer - YouTube
This piece first broadcast on 6 Aug 2013. Televised on UK's regional television BBC1 London. Programme (Program) -- London News.
SOT11 - New revolutionary Oil Spill Solution - YouTube
SOT11 - Revolutionary, brilliant invention for non-toxic bioremediation of oil-contamination Innovative technology - Complete Bioremediation Oil Treatment In...
Alone in a Nuclear Zone - YouTube
Naoto Matsumara is the only resident living in the 20km exclusion zone around Fukushima nuclear power plant, which suffered meltdown in March 2011. Glen Miln...
The Ringworm Children testing of large radiation doses on humans. - YouTube
directed by David Belhassen and Asher Hemias. The documentary won the award for "Best Documentary" at the Haifa International Film Festival and was featured ...