188 Ergebnisse für: uygur
"Eine Kritik aus Deutschland ist für Erdogan Gold wert" | Telepolis
Baris Uygur, Mitgründer des türkischen Satiremagazins "Uykusuz", über Erdogan gegen Böhmermann und die Lage der Satire und der Medien in der Türkei
TYT Network Passes 2,000,000,000 Views & 3,000,000 Subscribers! - YouTube
Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/anakasparian) of The Young Turks give an epic TYT Network update. The...
ISIS Has A Wacky Rap Music Video. No, We're Not Joking. - YouTube
Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks discusses a new video from the Islamic State that is basically a Rap music video. "ISIS...
Sam Harris and Cenk Uygur Clear the Air on Religious Violence and Islam - YouTube
Sam Harris (Author, neuroscientist, Co-founder of Project Reason) and Cenk Uygur (Host of The Young Turks) have a discussion about religion. Sam and Cenk als...
Crying Alex Jones Turns On Trump: He's Crapping All Over Us! - YouTube
Looks like this honeymoon is over. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. http://www.tytnetwork.com/join Tell us what you think in the comment ...
The Young Turks - YouTube
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur & Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent me...
Is the CIA Full of Crap? - YouTube
Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks discuss the treasure trove of letters from Bin Laden's compound released to dispute Seymour Hersh's recent article. Wednes...
Erdogan und Pressefreiheit: Interview mit türkischem Satiriker - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Mit Zensur kennt sich Baris Uygur aus - das von ihm mitgegründete Satiremagazin ist das meistverkaufte Wochenmedium der Türkei. Im Interview erklärt er, was er von Böhmermanns Schmähgedicht hält.
People Don't Trust Foreign Accents - Study - YouTube
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) and Ana Kasparian discuss an interesting study from the University of Chicago. The study asked people to rate the believ...
Mineralienatlas Lexikon - Mineralienportrait / Fluorit / China
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