7 Ergebnisse für: vakoch
How Do You Invent An Alien Language? panel discussion (SETICon 2) - YouTube
Doug Vakoch - the director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, as well as the only social scientist employed by a SETI organization. H...
Seti streitet um Funksprüche an Aliens - Wissen - Süddeutsche.de
Soll man geduldig auf außerirdische Signale warten oder selbst aktiv werden? Um diese Frage ist bei Seti ein Streit entbrannt.
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
extraterrestrial intelligence - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Seti vs. Meti: Die Debatte um Nachrichten an Außerirdische - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Einige Forscher wollen systematisch Botschaften ins Weltall schicken, um außerirdische Zivilisationen zu finden. Andere halten das für äußerst gefährlich.