282 Ergebnisse für: viable

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    Unwarranted Intrusions als eBook Download von Martin S. Fridson, Viable Network Intrusion Detection als Buch von Sommer Robin, Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection als Buch von, Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention (eBook, PDF), WLAN Router…

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    Film House Germany develops, producing and co-producing commercially viable content on a global scale, primarily in the English language.

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    Viele Innovationsmethoden und Begriffe aus dem Silicon Valley sind für deutsche Unternehmen Neuland. So auch das Minimum Viable Product. Hier die fünf wichtigsten Fragen dazu - und die Antworten.

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    William Rittenhouse founded the Rittenhouse Paper Mill and was the first to prove that papermaking in America could be a viable, economically sound business....

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    Starts at 13:14 Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham ...

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    An internationally-trained African economic analyst studies this former British colony''s struggle to become a viable independent state. Problems range from the need for constitutional reform to political patronage and a de facto oneparty democracy and th

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    This book traces the themes within the East Timor independence movement and notes how these have contibuted to post-independence issues, in particular the political tensions that almost saw East Timor collapse as a viable state in 2006. It concludes with…

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    Sari Nusseibeh, a prominent Palestinian philosopher, says that the two-state solution is no longer viable. In this interview with Naima El Moussaoui, he argues that a single Jewish state on the whole territory in exchange for second-class Palestinian…

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    This book presents a variety of techniques that combine computer-generated images and other objects with real scenes, creating augmented reality. This work provides an excellent snapshot of the current state of augmented reality research and its latest…

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    Una profunda crisis del Estado que hunde sus raíces en el siglo XIX. una Segunda República que se enfrenta a grandes dificultades para poder construir una alternativa de gobierno viable. la Guerra Civil como fracaso y consecuencia lógica –y trágica– de…

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