10 Ergebnisse für: viswanthan
Game 2 - Viswanthan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Chess Championship - YouTube
Game 2 of the FIDE World Chess Championship, Nov 10 2013 live from Chennai, India. Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen Viswanthan Anand starts in white and M...
Game 1 - Viswanthan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Chess Championship - YouTube
Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen - Game 1 of the FIDE World Chess Championship 2013 live from Chennai, India. Catch all the matches live and exclusive her...
Game 3 - Viswanthan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Chess Championship - YouTube
Game 3 of the FIDE World Chess Championship, Nov 12 2013 live from Chennai, India. Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen With Game 1 and Game 2 ending up in dr...
Game 10 - Part 2 - Viswanthan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Championship 2013 - YouTube
Magnus having won Game 9, leaves Anand completely driven to the wall, with nothing less than a win in Game 10 helping him stay afloat in the tournament. The ...
Women’s World Chess Championship Match. Round 5. - YouTube
Women’s World Chess Championship Match. Round 5. Live games with analysis: http://lviv2016.fide.com/live Tweet your questions to commentators: #LvivChess2016
Game 7 - Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Championship 2013 - YouTube
With the in-form challenger Magnus Carlsen taking the lead against Viswanathan Anand, what can Anand do to stop Magnus from winning 3 in a row? Champion Anan...
Game 10 - Part 1 - Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Championship 2013 - YouTube
Part 2 of the stream: bit.ly/FWCM2013Game10Part2 Magnus having won Game 9, leaves Anand completely driven to the wall, with nothing less than a win in Game 1...
Game 9 - Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | FIDE World Championship 2013 - YouTube
Game 9 of the Anand - Carlsen FIDE World Championship 2013 match should be one that will define the world chess championship match. The scoreline reading 5-3...
Die neue FIDE-Ratingliste (1.Juli 2010) | ChessBase
Mit seinen grandiosen Ergebnis beim gerade beendeten Turnier in Mediasch/Bazna hat Magnus Carlsen einige Elopunkte dazu gewonnen und seine Führung in der Weltrangliste ausgebaut. Außer dem Norweger haben auch Veselin Topalov und Viswanthan Anand eine…
World Cup 2017 mit Carlsen | ChessBase
Die FIDE gab heute die Teilnehmerliste für den World Cup 2007 bekannt. Mit einem Teilnehmer hatte man nicht unbedingt gerechnet - Magnus Carlsen. Vor zwei Jahren hatte sich der Weltmeister aber als Fan des K.o.-System geoutet. Der World Cup wird Anfang…