5 Ergebnisse für: zoubiri
Former Airstrip at Montserrat - YouTube
This is a fly-over of what used to be the runway, terminal, and airport at Montserrat. The former control tower and terminal are shown covered in ash.
Louis & Auguste Lumière - L'arroseur arrose' - 1896 - YouTube
the sprinkler sprinkled
Jamie Reid launching homages Part 1 of 2 - Jan.22, 2009 Vancouver (pooka press, 2009) - YouTube
Jamie Reid, an original co-founder/contributing editor of TISH, publisher of DaDaBaBy, launching his new pooka press chapbook on January 22, 2009 at Cafe Mon...
Interview mit dem Vorsitzenden der Friedensorganisation HWPL - YouTube
Interview mit dem Vorsitzenden der Friedensorganisation HWPL bei seinem Besuch der serbisch-Orthodoxen kirche in Berlin